40 Day Invitation

Over the next 40 days, I will be sharing one post per day sharing reflections from my journey in recovery. I would be honored if you would join me!

My hope is to share thoughts, struggles, successes from my own experience in sobriety. I will be sprinkling in some stories from others and a few meaningful quotes here and there. My desire would be that everyone reading will be able to recognize their own journey in some way; additionally, maybe we can all understand people who are fighting for sobriety a little more, as well.

My schedule of posts will follow loosely the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. This is not intended to sell anyone on the 12 step process or to indicate this is the only way to achieve freedom from addictions, it is simply the best way I know how to communicate my story.

This series of posts corresponds with the Christian calendar time of Lent. Although this will not specifically be a Lenten series, it will be part of my practice over the next six weeks of daily writing and sharing. Whether or not you participate in this practice, I hope my reflections will resonate with you in some way.

For my readers who do participate in Lent by staying off social media for the next six weeks, I would like to encourage you to subscribe to my blog so that you can receive each day’s post in your email inbox. If you are a WordPress user, you can click on the Follow link.

As we go through the next 6 weeks, please let me know what you think: your reactions, thoughts, questions, challenges. Please share with anyone you feel may benefit. I appreciate all who take time to read this blog. Thank you for letting me share life with you.

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